We offer instant help for your life science projects.

  • Moritz Hillgenberg

    "Opportunity assessment is not just about a sales forecast - it’s about delivering an in-depth understanding of the complex environment into which your product will launch and about helping to shape a sound strategy to make it reach its full potential."

    Moritz Hillgenberg

    Commercial Assessment, Market Research

  • Michael Hildebrand

    "Quality is an important feature of your product. Your focus should be there from a very early phase supported by our expertise."

    Michael Hildebrand

    CMC, Preclinical Development

  • Wolf-Stefan Richter

    "Generating clean and clinically relevant data from imaging needs a considered integration of the disciplines of drug development, diagnostics and clinical imaging."

    Wolf-Stefan Richter

    Clinical Development, R&D Strategies

  • Frank Zollmann

    "Integrated discovery and development approaches ensure rigorous optimization of therapeutic concepts and of the subsequent preclinical and clinical development program, reducing late stage attrition and maximizing the probability of success."

    Frank Zollmann

    Clinical Development, Preclinical Development, R&D Strategies

  • Johannes Lampe

    "With so much biomedical data available in the literature, it is hard to select information and make sense of it for decision making. That's where I can help you."

    Johannes Lampe

    Clinical Development, R&D Strategies