News & Events
Category: Publications 24 August 2022
How to use biosimilars and generic NBCDs as DMTs for Multiple Sclerosis?
Co-authored by Christian Wolf:
Use of follow-on disease-modifying treatments for multiple sclerosis: Consensus recommendations.
Wallace J Brownlee, Christian Wolf, Hans-Peter Hartung, Theo Dingermann, Nadia Anshasi, Richard AC Clark, Maria Trojano, Krzysztof Selmaj, Bernard MJ Uitdehaag, Carmen Tur, Jens Wuerfel, Gabriele Dallmann, Julian Witte, Martina Sintzel, Olga Bobrovnikova, and Jeffrey A Cohen.
Mult Scler J. 2022; 135245852211162. (abstract).
Category: Events 13 July 2022
Stammtisch & vernissage
On 9 September 2022, we will have our informal networking event for existing and prospective members. This time together with a vernissage at the winery and bar "wein&gut" in Berlin's Samariter district. Our member Anke Maaßen exhibits her art: "Farbklänge in der Natur – Malerei.”
Category: Publications 14 June 2022
Phase II for a 2nd-generation DHDOH inhibitor
Co-authored by Christian Wolf:
A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled phase 2 trial evaluating the selective dihydroorotate dehydrogenase inhibitor vidofludimus calcium in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis.
Robert J. Fox, Heinz Wiendl, Christian Wolf, Nicola De Stefano, Johann Sellner, Viktoriia Gryb, Konrad Rejdak, Plamen Stoyanov Bozhinov, Nataliya Tomakh, Iryna Skrypchenko, Andreas R. Muehler.
Ann Clin Transl Neur 2022;9:977–87 (full text).
Category: Events 11 May 2022
Bionnale 2022
Conelis e.V. is a Silver Sponsor of Bionnale. We will be present with our own booth from 13:30 to 18:30. Many of our members will be present and would be happy to discuss matters of mutual interest.
Category: Events 11 May 2022
Gläsernes Labor
„From Target to Market“ - The Pharma Summer School of Gläsernes Labor. Our members Jens Hoffmann, Michael Hildebrand, and Wolf-Stefan Richter will speak during the Summer School event of Gläsernes Labor (31 August – 03 September 2022).
Category: Publications 15 April 2022
Treatment Challenges in Multiple Sclerosis – A Continued Role for Glatiramer Acetate?
Co-authored by Christian Wolf:
Treatment Challenges in Multiple Sclerosis – A Continued Role for Glatiramer Acetate?
Mirabella M, Annovazzi P, Brownlee W, Cohen JA, Kleinschnitz C, Wolf C.
Front Neurol 2022; 13:844873 (full text).
Category: Press Releases 21 January 2022
Angriff auf das zelluläre Netzwerk von Krebs - Neue Option für die Entwicklung wirksamer Therapien bei Lungenkrebs?
Die Behandlung von Patienten mit fortgeschrittenem Lungenkrebs stellt trotz wesentlicher Fortschritte nach wie vor eine große medizinische Herausforderung dar. Die zur Verfügung stehenden Therapieoptionen bedeuten in der Regel zwar eine Verlängerung der Lebenszeit können aber die tödliche Krankheit in den meisten Fällen nur für einen begrenzten Zeitraum aufhalten.
Category: Publications 21 January 2022
Combination is key – new treatments for lung and colon cancer?
Researchers from the Experimental Pharmacology and Oncology (EPO) in Berlin-Buch in cooperation with academic partners identified new experimental approaches to treat therapy resistant cancer.
Category: Events 19 November 2021
Richmond Pharmacology Event – The Future of Healthcare – 8th December
Discover breakthroughs in cardiac health and how they could change treatments for the better. Hear about the latest insights in gene editing, RNA interference therapies, and digital health from the clinical studies experts.
Category: Press Releases 19 November 2021
Dr Ulrike Lorch joins the leadership team at the Faculty of Human Pharmacology
Richmond Pharmacology’s Medical Director, Dr Ulrike Lorch, has been appointed Director of Human Pharmacology for the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Management (FPM).