We offer instant help for your life science projects.

  • Michael Zimmermann

    "Our competence are medical devices – we support you to meet the challenging European clinical and regulatory requirements for your medical devices."

    Michael Zimmermann

    MD Clinical Evaluations, MD Quality Management, MD Regulatory Affairs

  • Jens Hoffmann

    "What needs to be done in Preclinical Pharmacology and Oncology? We can help with our expertise from 20 years and more than 100 projects."

    Jens Hoffmann

    Preclinical Development, R&D Strategies

  • Moritz Hillgenberg

    "Opportunity assessment is not just about a sales forecast - it’s about delivering an in-depth understanding of the complex environment into which your product will launch and about helping to shape a sound strategy to make it reach its full potential."

    Moritz Hillgenberg

    Commercial Assessment, Market Research

  • Christian Nagelstrasser

    "Corporate and Web Design are your key success factors."

    Christian Nagelstrasser

    Corporate Design

  • Nicola Henneberg-Busse

    "Competitive analyses and a good assessment of the commercial potential of your product are important for convincing investors and negotiating successfully with licensing partners. But also simply to make the right development decisions."

    Nicola Henneberg-Busse

    Business Development, Partnering & Licensing, Business Plans